Common Bluebottle

Common Bluebottle
Scientific name : Graphium sarpedon
Common Bluebottle has a narrow forewing and the outer margin is serrated on the hindwing, which extends into a short tail. The upper surface of both the wings is blackish-brown with a median blue rectangular band divided into patches. There is a brownish tinge towards the apex of the forewing. On the hind wing, there are crescent-shaped patches. In the underside, similar blue markings are present on a chocolate brown background with additional red patches. Male and female looks similar. The Blue Bottle is a very fast flier, regularly flying at the canopy levels of the tree present on the campus. it visits canopy flower and sometimes flies down to shrubs to drink nectar. It is rapid even at feeding, jumping from flower to flower. On the college campus, it is commonly seen in tree areas in the wet zones like the gardens and is always seen in wet habitats especially during rainy seasons.