Terminalia Paniculata Roth.

Terminalia Paniculata Roth.
Family : Combretaceae
Characteristic Feature :
Habit : Deciduous trees, to 30 m high, bole often fluted; bark 15-20 mm thick, surface brown, rough, vertical fissures shallow, fibrous, blaze reddish-pink, mottled; young parts silky pubescent; branchlets reddish.
Leaves : simple, lower leaves subopposite, upper alternate, exstipulate; petiole 12-15 mm long, stout, slightly grooved above, glabrous; lamina 10-24 x 5-10 cm, elliptic, oblong, ovate, elliptic-oblong or ovate-oblong, base round, obtuse, cordate or oblique; apex acute or acuminate, margin entire; rusty pubescent when young and glabrescent when mature, coriaceous, 2 sessile glands beneath the base of the lamina or at the junction of petiole and lamina; lateral nerve 5-15 pairs, pinnate, prominent, arched towards the margin, prominent, intercostae reticulate, obscure.
Flowers: bisexual, white, sessile, 6-12 mm across, in axillary and terminal panicles, tomentose; bracteoles 2-5 mm, linear-lanceolate, recurved; calyx tube 1-1.2× 0.8-1 mm, constricted above the ovary, pubescent, lobes 5, cream, triangular, villous within; petals 0; stamens 10 in 2 rows; filaments 3-4 mm; disc 5-lobed, villous; ovary 1 mm, inferior, 1-celled; ovules 2 or 3, pendulous; style to 4 mm, subulate, stigma terminal.
Fruit : a drupe 13 x 12 mm, reddish-brown, rusty tomentose, with one large and 2 small wings
seed : one.