Pride Of India
Pride Of India
Family : Lythraceae
Characteristic Features:
Habit : A small tree.
Leaves : Opposite, oblong, lanceolate or elliptic, subacute, base acute or rounded, coriaceous.
Flowers : purple-violet, very beautiful, in large panicles of many flowers, pedicels stout, hairy.Calyx tubular, hairs white, ribbed with12-14 stout ridges.Petals 6, purple, roundovate, clawed, much wavy and crumpled, spreading.Stamens many, purple, inserted near the bottom of the calyx-tube much exserted.Ovary 3-6 celled, superior, sessile, ovules many, placenta axile, style long bent, stigma capitate.
Fruit : Capsules with loculicdal dehiscence, seeds many, winged at apex.
Flowering and Fruiting Time : April - July
Significance :
- Test tube plant, developed by John Paily
- Dr Kupper's Biotech Unit, Laboratort of Applied Biology
Source : Department of Botany