Macaranga Peltata (Roxb.) Mull. Arg.

Macaranga Peltata (Roxb.) Mull. Arg.
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Characteristic Features:
Habit : Resinous trees up to 10 m tall; branchlets glaucous; young parts brown tomentose.
Leaves : alternate, peltate, orbicular or broadly ovate, up to 50 x 21 cm, rounded at base, acute or acuminate at apex, red-glandular and villous beneath; petiole up to 25 cm long.
Flowers : Male flowers in axillary panicles, clustered in the axils of large bracts with dentate apex. Perianth lobes 3. Stamens 2-3. Female panicles simpler than in the male. Ovary globose, densely glandular; style lateral.
Capsules : globose, ca 5 mm across, glandular.
Seed : solitary, globose.
Flowering : March.
Fruiting : May.