Flame Of The Forest

Flame Of The Forest
Family : Fabaceae
Characteristic features:
Habit : An erect deciduous tree with young parts hairy.
Bark : Light brown or greyish.
Leaves : Tri-foliate, leaflets coriaceous, roundish-ovate, leathery in texture.
Flowers : In big racemes, orange-red, bracts and bracteoles small, calyx campanulate, silky hairy outside, velvety inside, petals equal, silky hairy, keel semicircular, beaked.Stamens 10, diadelphous, ovary stalked, style incurved.
Fruit : Pods thin, downy bright 1-2 seeded.
Flowering and Fruiting Time : February-March
Significance:Test tube tree, developed by Dr. Kavitha Kulkarni from Dr Küpper's Biotech Unit Laboratory of Applied Biology