Fiji Fan Palm
![img](/images/trees/1659074966-fiji fan1.jpg.jpg)
Fiji Fan Palm
Family: arecaceae
Characteristic features:
Habit : palm
Stem: Solitary, upright stems to 15 m tall and up to 30 cm in diameter, sometimes spreading slightly at the base, pale gray to tan in color, with faint leaf scars.
Leaves: Costapalmate, induplicate, 2-3 m across, undulate, forming a semi-circle, divided into stiff, single-fold segments usually no more than one-third the length of the leaf blade, with erect, bifid leaf segment tips. The leaf color is bright green with a thin waxy coating. The petiole and abaxial midribs are covered with whitish wooly tomentum. The leaf sheath breaks down into a mass of tawny fibers. The petiole is smooth and unarmed.
Flowers : Inflorescences to 1 m long (usually shorter than or equal to the leaf petiole in length) with panicles branched to two orders and yellow flowers.
Fruits : spherical, reddish-black, about 12 mm in diameter.