Devil's Tree
Devil's Tree
Family: Apocyanaceae
Habit : Large trees; height to 30 m;
Stem : bark 10-15 mm thick, surface grey-brown, irregularly cracked and shallowly fissured, subverrucose, lenticellate; blaze creamy yellow, outer layer thin, corky, inner layer brittle; latex milky white; branchlets whorled.
Leaves: simple, whorled, estipulate; petiole 5-12 mm long, stout, glabrous; lamina 5-20 x 3-7 cm, obovate, oblanceolate or obovate-oblong; base cuneate or attenuate; apex obtuse or emarginate; margin entire, glabrous, subcoriaceous; lateral nerves many, slender, prominent, glabrous, parallel, looped near the margin forming intramarginal nerves; intercostae reticulate, obscure.
Flower : bisexual, 10-12 mm long, greenish-white in terminal umbellate cymes; calyx cupular, lobes 5, ovate, unequal, obtuse, puberulous, eglandular; corolla salver shaped, 4 mm across, lobes 5, obovate to orbicular, creamy yellow, spreading; stamens 5, included; anthers narrowly cordate; disc obscure; carpels 2, free, ovules many; style filiform; stigma obconic.
Fruit : two linear, narrow, pendulous follicular mericarps, green, 30-40 cm long.
seeds : 5-6 mm long, flat, commate at both ends.