Caryota Urens L. (ಈಂದು)

Caryota Urens L. (ಈಂದು)
Family: arecaceae
Characteristic features:
Habit : A tall, handsome palm.
Leaves : Large, bipinnate, leaflets triangular, irregularly cut, wedge-shaped, obliquely truncate, apex, praemorse, the upper margin prolonged into a tail-like process,leaf-sheaths smooth, fibrous-netted.
Inflorescence : Spadix
Flowers :Monoecious, fully developed spadix are very large several feet long, drooping and freely hanging round about the palm, making it a very conspicuous object, spathes 3 - 5, tubular, splitting on one side, flowers very numerous, placed in threes, the central and the lowermost being female and develop late, the side flowers are male, male flowers - sepals 3, roundish, cordate, imbricate, petals 3, coriaceous, concave, reddish, stamens about 40, filaments short, white, female flowers - sepals 3, broader, petals 3, shorter, greenish, staminodes usually 3, placed opposite the sepals,ovary superior, 3 - celled, ovule 1, stigma sessile.
Fruit : Drupe round, yellow.
Flowering and Fruiting Time : Throughout the year